Monday, February 23, 2009

Big Fish

Take a good, long, 5 hour stare at that picture. Do you see any prehistoric fish? If you’re answer was No, and you actually spent 5 hours, then welcome to my Saturday morning. I was actually excited to make it out because last year the season was shut down due to the limit being caught after 3-4 days. This year was slower, and it went for a whole week + Saturday. For those of you who don’t know, last weekend when the season opened, I got violently ill and couldn’t make it up to Lake Winnebago. Now the registration wasn’t a complete waste because I was out there for at least one day.

This was my 2nd year; I didn’t see anything the first year either, so hopefully the third year is the charm.

Sunday I was able to get my long run in, something I also missed last weekend. Sunday’s was the longest to date, 13 miles. I should note that the widget on the right probably says I ran 14 miles. The nike+ sensor is having trouble calibrating with my new shoes, so its going to be saying I am going a little fast and farther then actual until I fix that. If treadmills at the Y don’t lie, I was going 9min/mile pace.
I spy the spear!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Cows?

Ok. I just want to get this rant off my chest. Fuck California. Ok, there I said it. F them right in the A. They think they can create a national advertising campaign to laugh in our faces!? What gives them the right. I would be a little happier if they left it in the air and just said they had the happiest cows. But no, in case that is too open ended for anyone, they have to make it blatantly obvious that what they ACTUALLY mean is that Wisconsin cows are freezing stereotypical yoopers, confined and depressed.

I still remember the big thing in elementary when California surpassed us in dairy sales and the kids who liked throwing out random facts of intelligence would point out that we are no longer the dairy state. And that we had to change our license plate. Felt kind of like losing on homecoming. All the state hung their head and admitted defeat. Which I now get to relive as California jabs us from the west.

Happy Cows indeed.

Ok, in the end I can't be too pissed. Because after my research I found this jewel. Showing that California actually took a stab at themselves. For those of you who don't feel like youtube, it's some cows in Cali, enjoying a foot massage. As the earth splits in two you realize the vibrating foot massage is actually an earth quake. If there's one thing my crazy Geology teacher Mr. Severson wanted us to walk away with in college it was to

"Never move to California. Never. If you do I will not talk to you anymore.
Knowing what I have taught you this semester it would be suicide to move to
I may have paraphrased slightly, but not much... He was a little off his rocker, (Loving rocks most your mature adulthood can do that) but he was adamant that California would not be with us forever. He was very intelligent, so I believe him.

See you in Arizona Bay, Motherfuckers.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ok, so the Rudy allusion isn't exactly head on, but Victoria linked me this and I think it's our new favorite youtube clip, atleast for this week. I am usually up on my internet crap, so I was suprised to see this is from 2006. Which means most of you (greg) will probably have already have seen it.

If not, Enjoy. (might want to get a kleenex box out if your softie like me)